A landmark study estimates that the number of adults living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the United States is nearly 1 million.1 This is more than twice the previously reported number. A more accurate estimate of disease prevalence allows for a better understanding of the impact of the disease and improved strategies for addressing the needs of people living and working with MS.
The worries of people with MS can be divided into those concerned with the physical impact of the disease and those related to the social and psychological issues. One studyc asked: “What part of MS are you most afraid of?”
Mobility/Physical Vulnerability
Social, Family Work/Daily Activities
The percentage of patients without any sickness-related absence increased from 38% to 70% over the last 2 decades, while full-time sickness absence decreased from 39% to 13%.
References: 1. Wallin MT, et al. Neurology. 2019 Mar 5;92(10):e1029-e1040 2. Thornton EW, et al. Worries and concerns of patients with multiple sclerosis: development of an assessment scale. Multiple Sclerosis. 2006;12:196-203. 3. Wickström A, et al. Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2015;1:2055217315608203.
To generate a national multiple sclerosis (MS) prevalence estimate for the United States by applying a validated algorithm to multiple administrative health claims (AHC) datasets.
Several AHC datasets representing the US private and government-sponsored insurance programs which included Optum (OP), Truven Health (TH), Kaiser Permanente Southern California (KPSC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Defense and Veteran Affairs.
A validated algorithm was applied to each dataset, to determine the 3-year cumulative prevalence overall and stratified by age, sex, and census region for adults (≥18 years of age). Insurance-specific and stratum-specific estimates were applied to the 2010 US Census data. The findings were pooled to calculate the 2010 prevalence of MS in the United States cumulated over 3 years. The study estimated the 2010 prevalence cumulated over 10 years using 2 models and extrapolated the estimate to 2017.
Estimated 2010 US MS prevalence accumulated over 10 years. Also, extrapolated date to 2017 prevalence.
Results may not be generalizable to the entire US population. This study assessed 100% of publicly funded population but not the uninsured population or children 18 years of age within the US.
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